
SEO Agency Brighton

Wild Sprout strives to be the go-to SEO agency in Brighton. Our small but highly skilled team of digital marketing professionals can help your Brighton business make a mark, both locally and abroad. No matter your business size, industry or goals, our search engine optimisation services can expand your brand awareness and help you grow your audience.

Why Your Business Needs SEO

SEO matters more today than ever before. The internet is the tool that connects most customers to businesses where they spend their money. Did you know, for instance, that 46 percent of all Google searches are for local businesses? Whether your business is an e-commerce venture, a brick-and-mortar establishment or both, your customer experience still predominantly begins online. Making sure that your business appears on the first page of a Google search can make a huge difference in business traffic, conversions, revenues, and growth. The bottom line? SEO needs to be at the heart of your digital marketing—and general marketing—strategy.

Why Wild Sprout?

What makes Wild Sprout the right SEO agency in Brighton to help you reach your target audience? Here are a few ways we stand apart from the average SEO services company:


We are a boutique agency

With a large company, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. That statement is especially true if your business is small or just getting started. Wild Sprout is not some massive corporation where every client is only another number. We are a small, boutique SEO agency that offers a personal touch. Our team will work closely with your organisation on everything from keyword research to content marketing. Our goal is to understand the nuances of your business so that we can help you start reaching your target audience in the most effective way possible.


We are versatile

Search engine optimisation is about more than a few keywords that your target customers may be typing into Google. It’s about content that is relevant and interesting to your audience. It’s about website structure and metadata. It’s about backlinks from other parts of the internet. It’s about web design that looks great, loads fast and delivers fantastic customer experiences. It’s about social media. It’s about pay-per-click (PPC) search engine marketing and other paid strategies. We can help you navigate this complex web of different concepts and services to achieve a comprehensive and wildly effective SEO strategy

We target humans and algorithms

So much of search engine optimisation is technical, to the point where many business owners just assume SEO is about gaming an algorithm to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERPs). While effective SEO packages are grounded in a deep understanding of search engine algorithms, though, SEO also has a deeply human side to it. High Google rankings only get you so far if your bounce rate is high or your conversion rate is low. From web design to copywriting, we build our SEO campaigns to target humans as well as search algorithms. This emphasis on user experience, site usability and high-value content helps drive higher conversion rates for your website.

Why Your Customers Will Appreciate Your SEO Campaign

Search engine optimisation is in the best interest of your business. It can drive new people to your front door or prompt bigger sales for your e-commerce platform. However, it’s worth noting that a strong SEO campaign is absolutely in the best interest of your customers as well. A great SEO campaign will not only boost your Google rankings but will also impact customer experience in a range of positive ways. These include:

SEO makes your business easier to find

Let’s say a customer is in Hove and is trying to find their way to your business (or to a similar provider). Having an optimised web presence that includes a detailed website and an up-to-date Google My Business listing will make that process incredibly simple. The customer will be able to find the address of your business, your operating hours, your phone number and much more.

SEO makes it easier to use your website

Search engines take the usability factors of your website into account. Learning from an SEO report that your site is too slow or not responsive enough to mobile devices is crucial information to have. Not only can fixing these issues help your site rank higher, but it will also make the site much easier for your prospective customers to use.


SEO provides useful information or answers to frequently asked questions

Sometimes, people search the web for specific types of products, services, or businesses. Other times, though, they might be seeking advice, knowledge, or answers to specific questions. A content-driven SEO strategy populates your site with rich content that provides useful information. By answering frequently asked questions or sharing other valuable information, you also build trust with your audience.

Our SEO Services

If you choose to work with Wild Sprout as your SEO company, here are a few of the services we can offer you:

Keyword research

Search engines focus on the use of keywords, so it stands to reason that SEO starts with keywords as well. We research your target audience to find out what your customers are searching for and why. Then, we take these keywords and build an SEO strategy around them.

Website design

If your website fast enough? Is it up to date with the latest design trends? Is it mobile-friendly? Does the navigation make sense? We ask these questions and others to assess how your web design impacts both your search rankings and your visitor experience.

Link building

Creating links to your website from authoritative sources around the site sends a signal to Google that your site is relevant and trustworthy. Utilising a mix of content marketing, social media, outreach partnerships with other sites and PR, we build backlinks that will both drive people to your website and boost your search engine rankings. Exterior links aren’t the full equation, either. Internal linking is also important, as it improves the navigability of your site and helps keep users on your website for longer.

International SEO

Are you expanding your business to a new international market? We can help you navigate the steps of that process, from changes in URL structure to language differences.


Social media

Everything in the digital marketing sphere is connected, and it all feeds back to SEO and online visibility. This rule extends to social media. Having a robust social networking presence improves brand awareness, helps with backlinking, and even impacts how Google ranks your website. We can help you establish or grow your social presences on popular sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and beyond.

Technical SEO

How is your existing website performing from an SEO perspective? We start every new client relationship with a full SEO audit of their website. This process not only gives us insights about how you’re using keywords and content at the moment, but it also provides us with a survey of your technical SEO. Everything from metadata to JavaScript to sitemaps and linking plays a role in determining how your site performs on search engine rankings.

Content marketing

A keyword-driven content strategy can improve SEO and make your site a more authoritative resource on a specific subject or industry. From product and service pages to blogs and case studies, our copywriting team will create high-quality content that can drive organic traffic to your site.

Local SEO

Search results tend to vary significantly depending on a user’s geographic location. Local SEO can improve the chances of your business ranking for localised search queries or searches conducted in a specific geographic area. We use a mix of both on-page elements (such as geo-targeted keywords) and off-page factors (such as Google My Business listings) to help you establish more of a presence in a local Google search

Paid strategies

Paid search marketing strategies can give you higher visibility on SERPs, particularly for competitive keywords that are difficult to rank for more organically. We can help you weigh the pros and cons of PPC, display ads, and other paid options, from budget to reach.

SEO isn’t about stuffing pages with keywords and hoping for the best. It’s about building a site that ranks high on SERPs not just because it plays by the rule of an algorithm, but also because search engines know the site is going to provide a high-quality user experience. At Wild Sprout, our understanding of what people are looking for online makes us invaluable partners for any SEO campaign.

As a Brighton SEO agency, Wild Sprout is dedicated to helping local East Sussex businesses widen their reach and grow their impact. If you are ready to take your business to the next level, contact us today to start a conversation and schedule an SEO audit. We look forward to hearing from you soon!


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